SDG Celebrates Completion of Beacon Hill Specialist Disability Accommodation

Sustainable Development Group (SDG) is pleased to announce the successful completion of three Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) homes in Beacon Hill, marking a significant milestone in the Sydney Anglican Property's (SAP) Urban Renewal Pilot Program. Sydney Anglican Archbishop Kanishka Raffel recently opened these state-of-the-art homes, designed to provide high-physical support for eight new tenants.

The project, a collaboration between SDG, SAP, NDIS Housing Provider DPN Casa Capace, and Frenchs Forest Anglican Church, addresses the critical need for quality disability accommodation in Sydney's northern beaches. These premium, fit-for-purpose houses enable residents to live independently within a supportive, low-density community setting, while remaining close to family and excellent support services. As the first completed initiative under the Urban Renewal Pilot Program, this development sets a new standard for utilising church land to create meaningful social impact.

For more details on this transformative project and its impact on the community, click here.

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