New Educational Hub Proposed for Waterloo

SDG has submitted a planning proposal for a new educational precinct at 242-258 Young Street, Waterloo, designed to meet the increasing demand for schools in the area. The development aims to establish a state-of-the-art K-12 independent school accommodating 800 students, alongside a dedicated film school and ground-floor café.

The proposed six-storey facility will provide approximately over 10,500 m2 of educational space, with additional amenities including a rooftop basketball court and almost 5,000m2 of open space for students. This innovative project is in response to a projected 76% increase in the school-aged population over the next decade, addressing a critical gap in private educational facilities within one of Sydney's largest urban renewal areas.

The planning proposal seeks to amend the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 to increase the maximum building height and floor space ratio, specifically for school use. Subject to approval, the school could be operational by the start of the 2028 or 2029 academic year, contributing significantly to the local community and enhancing educational opportunities.

For further details on this exciting and much needed development, read more here.

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