About Us

Why we exist

SDG believes that the personal wellbeing of individuals is significantly enhanced when local churches are strengthened, supported and actively engaged with local communities.

Motivated by the love and example of Jesus to come alongside all people, we believe that churches and faith-based organisations offer unique services and activities that reinforce all that is good and foundational for healthy communities. SDG seeks to assist in fostering and supporting this extraordinary legacy, passed down through the centuries.

SDG exists to support and enable churches and faith-based partners to develop their land holdings such that sites are activated, the local community is drawn in, and the gospel is shared through teaching and works of service.

Where these often exceptionally well-located facilities and spaces can be activated, enhanced and better utilised, significant long-term benefit to the wider community can accrue, providing for the increasing social, health, spiritual and wellbeing needs of local people and the specific needs of target cohorts.

St Michael's Church

The significance of our name

Sustainable Development Group Ltd.
  • Sustainable: We don’t just build and hand over the keys. Assets are developed for long- term sustainability, delivering against a quadruple bottom line (Spiritual, Environmental, Social, Financial) for all stakeholders. We also manage these assets ongoing, if so desired.
  • All about development: We provide end-to-end advisory and support services for development projects that activate land holdings and meet the needs of local communities.
  • A group: While offering a diverse internal team of professionals with over 150 years of collective senior level development experience helps, it is the strength and extent of our partnerships with landowners, tenants, investors and collectives that bring about sustainable solutions and positive social outcomes.
  • SDG: While our team is highly motivated to delivery high quality and impactful outcomes, our primary motivation is neither personal accolades nor profit. We exist and do what we do for ‘the glory of God alone’ – Soli Deo Gloria.

What we're about


Compassionate communities, anchored in the local church or charity, bringing social cohesion and connection to Christ


To support and enable the ministries of faith- aligned partners by facilitating property developments that activate land holdings, draw in the local community and provide opportunities to share the gospel in both word and deed


We conduct our work with skill and expertise
We are transparent in how we work and in our dealings with stakeholders
We are open, honest and forthright in both speech and action
We are resolute and determined, remaining true to our convictions
We are respectful and kind in our dealings with others
We strive to 'walk in the shoes' of the people our partners serve
We believe we can add value and achieve great things under God

How we do what we do

SDG subscribes to a set of development principles that guide our work:

Mission Led
Asset development, usage and management directed by missional intent and desired outcomes of faith-aligned partners
Community-centred design
Facilities, amenities and services designed from a human perspective, bringing end-users into the heart of the design process
Community Engaging
Facilities and amenities desirable to and meeting the needs of the local community, encouraging usage
Assets developed for long-term sustainability, delivering against the quadruple bottom line for all stakeholders and ensuring continuity of site- based Christian witness
Activated Spaces
Built form intentionally designed, developed and managed for frequent and meaningful community use
Collaborative Partnerships
Joint ownership of and influence over design, process and outcomes, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts
Mission Enabling
Facilities, amenities and services that collectively facilitate and support site-based ministry and outreach
Sharing of resources, insights and learnings to equip and strengthen faith-aligned partners and institutions

Who we work with

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