Our Team

Richard Ollerhead

Richard Ollerhead

Founder and Managing Director

As SDG’s Managing Director, Richard is focused on unlocking the potential of people and property to honour God and serve both local and global communities. He brings a person-centred approach to his work, fostering long-term relationships to deliver successful outcomes. Prior to SDG, Richard worked for Anglicare Sydney, where he implemented a portfolio approach to property development while leveraging the expertise of internal and external stakeholders. He played a lead role in Anglicare’s successful bid for funding in the second round of the State Government’s Social and Affordable Housing Fund (SAHF#2) program. A registered architect, Richard has founded, managed and consulted to a range of real estate-related businesses and organisations over the past 25 years. He has a breadth of experience across the fields of design, property development, education and social development.

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