What We Offer

Our Services

We strive to build strong partnerships with landholders, investors and tenant organisations, providing a range of end-to-end consultant, advisory and practical services across a wide spectrum of development projects and types.

Our services are diverse and tailored to meet specific partner requirements. These include:

End-to-end development advisory

Concept development, feasibility, planning, funding, tenanting, project management, approval, construction, operationalisation & ongoing asset management for small, medium & large sites.

Land activation

Selection and delivery of projects which maximise the spiritual, social, environmental, and financial return of under-utilised property owned by churches and other faith-aligned NFPs.

Development design concepts and testing

Collaborative design and testing of concepts that facilitate the efficient and sustainable delivery of desirable community services and missional activities.

Tailored development partnerships

Bringing together partners with shared values, including landowners, investors and tenants, to achieve mutually beneficial and sustainable solutions.

Specialist service provider relationships

Long-term partnerships with specialist service providers and tenants (e.g. childcare, schools, housing, aged care, health care, community services, retail, hospitality).

Client representation

Acting on behalf of landholders and other partners to conclude agreements, source partners, tender contracts, vet suppliers, obtain approvals etc.

Capital & Advisory

Working with partners to structure, raise and manage capital for projects and initiatives that deliver both kingdom and financial returns.

What we deliver

We believe that for projects to be sustainable for the long term, excellent outcomes across the spiritual, social, environmental and financial dimensions of each development within its community context is required. We call this the ‘Quadruple Bottom Line’. Consideration of each dimension is baked into projects from the outset, with progress measured and regularly reported throughout the life of the project to ensure that goals are achieved.


  • Fit-for-purpose ministry space
  • Community engagement and interface
  • Funds for ministry development and expansion
  • Time to focus on core ministry responsibilities
  • Good stewardship demonstrated to congregation, service users and community


  • Carbon intensity (construction)
  • Waste and pollution (construction & operations)
  • Sustainable materials
  • Circular economy
  • Renewable energy


  • Housing Solutions
  • Aligned commercial and social service tenants
  • Community-centred design
  • Exploitation-free supply chain social enterprise contractors


  • Funds released from dormant assets for investment in new locations without land sales
  • Cash flow from projects as sustainable annuity streams
  • Revenue streams to support cash flows to ensure long-term sustainability/viability
  • Reduction in the financial burden on churches and NFP service providers facing large maintenance costs in ageing buildings

Site Activation – Driving our designs

An activated site is one that is accessible to and well used by the community in which it is located. Such sites tend to offer a range of services and opportunities for the community to make use of and engage with at different times and for a variety of reasons. While activated sites might take on different forms and functions, what is common across all is that people are making use of them. SDG is passionate about supporting our partners to activate their sites, for the benefit of their communities. This perspective provides a lens through which we consider design and delivery.

Playing together

Getting together

Learning together

Celebrating together

Relaxing together

Serving together

Working together

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